Results for 'Rossana Cassigoli Salamon'

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  1.  15
    Ética En Acción: Antropología y Humanismo En la Obra de George Steiner.Rossana Cassigoli Salamon - 2013 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 69:39-49.
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    Pensar lo femenino: un itinerario filosófico hacia la alteridad.Rossana Cassigoli Salamón (ed.) - 2008 - Rubí (Barcelona): Anthropos Editorial.
  3. La morada y lo femenino en el pensamiento de Emmanuel Levinas.Rossana Cassigoli - 2008 - In Rossana Cassigoli Salamón, Pensar lo femenino: un itinerario filosófico hacia la alteridad. Rubí (Barcelona): Anthropos Editorial. pp. 59--74.
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    Epistemología y aforismos. Usos de la antropología contemporánea.Rossana Cassigoli - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 63:365-376.
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    La lengua materna como forma de locura.Rossana Cassigoli - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):221-242.
    Este artículo contiene una reflexión, en primer lugar, sobre la vinculación que se establece entre la lengua de la madre –en su variedad experiencial cualitativa y determinaciones históricas– y el fenómeno de la locura y el dolor existenciales. En particular, se aborda el vínculo entre la mencionada lengua y el equívoco encauzamiento de una emocionalidad “no sabida”, esquivada o negada, hacia actos y acciones del habla. En segundo lugar, se observa la relación entre la lengua materna y formas de locura (...)
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    Mother´s Tongue as a Form of Madness.Rossana Cassigoli - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:242-268.
    Resumen: Este artículo contiene una reflexión, en primer lugar, acerca de la vinculación que se establece entre la lengua de la madre -en su variedad experiencial cualitativa y determinaciones históricas- y el fenómeno de la locura y el dolor existenciales. En particular, se aborda el vínculo entre la mencionada lengua y el equívoco encauzamiento de una emocionalidad “no sabida”, esquivada o negada, hacia actos y acciones del habla. En segundo lugar, se observa la relación entre la lengua materna y formas (...)
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  7. Justification and Queer Method, or Leaving Philosophy.Gayle Salamon - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (1):225 - 230.
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    The genetic structure of SARS‐CoV‐2 does not rule out a laboratory origin.Rossana Segreto & Yuri Deigin - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000240.
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome‐coronavirus (SARS‐CoV)‐2′s origin is still controversial. Genomic analyses show SARS‐CoV‐2 likely to be chimeric, most of its sequence closest to bat CoV RaTG13, whereas its receptor binding domain (RBD) is almost identical to that of a pangolin CoV. Chimeric viruses can arise via natural recombination or human intervention. The furin cleavage site in the spike protein of SARS‐CoV‐2 confers to the virus the ability to cross species and tissue barriers, but was previously unseen in other SARS‐like CoVs. (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Rheumatology: Disability, Merleau‐Ponty, and the Fallacy of Maximal Grip.Gayle Salamon - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):243-260.
    This paper charts the concepts of grip and the bodily auxiliary in Maurice Merleau-Ponty to consider how they find expression in disability narratives. Arguing against the notion of “maximal grip” that some commentators have used to explicate intentionality in Merleau-Ponty, I argue that grip in his texts functions instead as a compensatory effort to stave off uncertainty, lack of mastery, and ambiguity. Nearly without exception in Phenomenology of Perception, the mobilization of “grip” is a signal of impending loss, and is (...)
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    Assuming a Body: Transgender and Rhetorics of Materiality.Gayle Salamon - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    We believe we know our bodies intimately—that their material reality is certain and that this certainty leads to an epistemological truth about sex, gender, and identity. By exploring and giving equal weight to transgendered subjectivities, however, Gayle Salamon upends these certainties. Considering questions of transgendered embodiment via phenomenology (Maurice Merleau-Ponty), psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud and Paul Ferdinand Schilder), and queer theory, Salamon advances an alternative theory of normative and non-normative gender, proving the value and vitality of trans experience for (...)
  11. Light Out of Plenitude: Towards an Epistemology of Mystical Inclusivism.Janusz Salamon - 2010 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (2):141 - 175.
    In this paper I argue that from the point of view of a theist, inclusivism with respect to the issue whether adherents of different religious traditions can have veridical experience of God (or Ultimate Reality) now, is more plausible than the Alstonian exclusivism. I suggest that mystical inclusivism of the kind I imply in this paper may contribute to the development of cross-cultural philosophy of religion, as well as to the theoretical framework for inter-religious dialogue, because (1) it allows for (...)
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  12.  13
    Die Phänomenologie der Rheumatologie: Behinderung, Merleau-Ponty und der Irrtum des maximalen Griffs.Gayle Salamon - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (6):908-919.
    This paper charts the concepts of grip and the bodily auxiliary in Maurice Merleau-Ponty to consider how they find expression in disability narratives. Arguing against the notion of “maximal grip” that some commentators have used to explicate intentionality in Merleau-Ponty, I argue that grip in his texts functions instead as a compensatory effort to stave off uncertainty, lack of mastery, and ambiguity. Nearly without exception in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, the mobilisation of “grip” is a signal of impending loss and (...)
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    La retorica dell’ʿinfanzia abbandonataʾ nel cristianesimo antico. Tra polemica e parenesi.Rossana Barcellona - 2014 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:59-76.
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    Mediazione culturale e impegno politico in Sturzo e Maritain.Rossana Carmagnani - 1985 - Milano: Massimo. Edited by Antonio Palazzo, Luigi Sturzo & Jacques Maritain.
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    Medio milenio del nacimiento de Maquiavelo. Milenios de Maquiavelismo en política.Armando Cassigoli - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 14 (2):43-61.
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  16. Universidad y reforma.Armando Cassígoli - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 14 (1):47-51.
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  17. The Concept of Expansion in Theories Concerning the relationships between Music and Poetry in Semiotics of Music.Rossana Dalmonte - 1987 - Semiotica 66 (1-3):111-128.
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    La política del derecho en la cultura comunista.Rossana Rossanda - 1990 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 30:205-220.
    La autora realiza una aproximación crítica a la cultura jurídica de la izquierda, principalmente comunista, tomando como eje de su examen la posición interna o externa respecto del Estado adoptada por dicha cultura. El análisis se centra de manera especial en el problema de la "legislación de emergencia" y en sus consecuencias tanto en el tejido social como a efectos del problema de la legitimidad política.
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    Lingua e linguaggio nella filosofia di Giambattista Vico.Rosario Salamone - 1984 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo.
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    Of Water and the Spirit: Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman.Frank Salamone - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (2):39-40.
    Of Water and the Spirit: Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman. Malidoma Patrick Someé. New York: G.P Putnam's Sons, 1994. 311pp. $22.95 (cloth).
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  21. Sameness, alterity, flesh: Luce Irigaray and the place of sexual undecidability.Gayle Salamon - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou, Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
  22. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy.Janusz Salamon & Hsin-Wen Lee (eds.) - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Breaking out of the dominance of Anglo-American scholarship, this volume centralises East Asian philosophical traditions to explore cross-cultural perspectives in the field of global justice studies. By bringing together diverse traditions of thinking about justice that contrasts East Asian and Western thinkers’ traditions avoids the shortcomings of narrow and one-sided conceptualisations of global justice. A range of contributors from East Asia, Europe, and the US who are conversant with both Western and East Asian philosophical traditions provide a rich engagement with (...)
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  23. De audiendo : esplorazione estetica del sonoro tra Otto e Novecento.Rossana Scalia - 2021 - In Alessandra Calanchi, Mario Corsi, J. M. I. Klaver & Massimo S. Russo, Anche le pagine hanno orecchi =. Fano (PU): Aras edizioni.
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    Towards a history of the geometric foundations of mathematics.Rossana Tazzioli - 2003 - Revue de Synthèse 124 (1):11-41.
    Beaucoup de « géomètres » du XIXe siècle - Bernhard Riemann, Hermann von Helmholtz, Felix Klein, Riccardo De Paolis, Mario Pieri, Henri Poincaré, Federigo Enriques, et autres - ont joué un rôle important dans la discussion sur les fondements des mathématiques. Mais, contrairement aux idées d'Euclide, ils n'ont pas identifié «l'espace physique» avec« l'espace de nos sens». Partant de notre expérience dans l'espace, ils ont cherché à identifier les propriétés les plus importantes de l'espace et les ont posées à la (...)
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    What's Critical about Critical Phenomenology?Gayle Salamon - 2018 - Puncta 1 (1):8.
    This essay considers what is critical in critical phenomenology, and asks what features critical and phenomenological methods share. I suggest three fundamentally significant resonances between the critical and phenomenological enterprises. First is the suggestion that critique, like phenomenology, is an attempt to move beyond a dualism of inside and outside in order to extend into outer regions of what is known. Second is the insistence that what at first appears to be a purely negative endeavor, a finding of limit, is (...)
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  26. In Defence of Agatheism: Clarifying a Good-Centred Interpretation of Religious Pluralism.Janusz Salamon - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (3):115-138.
    The paper is a response to recent criticisms of agatheism, a new pluralistic interpretation of religious belief put forward by Janusz Salamon with the aim of accommodating the epistemological challenge of religious diversity. Agatheism is an axiologically grounded religious belief which identifies God, the Absolute or the ultimate reality religiously conceived with the ultimate good as the ultimate end of all human agency and thus an explanation of its irreducibly teleological character and a source of its meaning. Janusz (...) argues that this grounding of religious belief in the human axiological consciousness makes it immune to falsification by any future science. Replying to the concerns of the critics about about irrationality of doxastic commitment to a particular religious tradition, Janusz Salamon argues that to the extent the fundamental agatheistic religious belief is presupposed in such tradition as its doxastic core, its belief system - if internally coherent and aligned with a worldview that is consistent with undisputed scientific findings - may be considered rational, despite there being a plurality of such belief systems. (shrink)
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    La natività nei Vangeli apocrifi dell’infanzia.Rossana Barcellona - 2017 - Augustinianum 57 (1):35-56.
    This article examines the story of Jesus’ birth as it is presented in some of the so-called Apocryphal Infancy Gospels that have always aroused great interest in popular culture and in the arts. These texts describe the birth of Jesus by means of an important ‘narrative expansion’: the childbirth of Mary takes place in a cave, one or more midwives as well as two animals, the ox and the donkey, are added to the scene. These narratives do not relate the (...)
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  28. Mario Baroni Accompaniment formulas in Verdi's Ernani 129-140 Daniel Charles Son et temps 171-179.Rossana Dalmonte, Christie Davies, Martha Davis, François Delalande, Célestin Deliège, Françoise Escal, Bruce E. Fleming, Robert S. Hatten, Shuhei Hosokawa & Vladimir Karbusicky - 1987 - Semiotica 66:455.
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    The Strategic Use of International Law by the United Nations Security Council: An Empirical Study.Rossana Deplano - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The book offers insights on whether international law can shape the politics of the Security Council and, conversely, the extent to which the latter contribute to the development of international law. By providing a systematic analysis of the quantity and quality of international legal instruments referred to in the text of resolutions, the book reconstructs patterns of the Security Council's behavioural regularities and assesses them against the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which establishes its mandate. The analysis is divided (...)
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    Il santo che non ti aspetti. Sorprese ed eccentricità dell’agiografia medievale.Rossana Guglielmetti - 2021 - Doctor Virtualis 16:19-58.
    L’agiografia fa parte dei generi letterari nei quali si esprimono con più libertà concezioni teologiche e morali non convenzionali, che ci svelano un Medioevo meno uniforme di come lo si immagina. L’articolo presenta alcuni esempi tratti da testi originari di diverse aree, dal Mediterraneo greco all’Irlanda, dall’epoca tardoantica al basso Medioevo. Di santi come il bretone Macuto, Epifanio di Salamina, i martiri edesseni e svariati abati irlandesi si narrano azioni mosse da permalosità, vendicatività, gelosia, competizione. Ancora nelle storie di santi (...)
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    A modern ész kritikája.János Salamon - 2021 - Budapest: Kalligram.
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    Between Conscious and Subconscious: Depth‐to‐Depth Communication in the Ethnographic Space.Hagar Salamon - 2002 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 30 (3):249-272.
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    Locke and Newman on Paradigm of Rationality.Janusz Salamon - 2000 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5:243-244.
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    Self-diffusion of silicon in molybdenum disilicide.Marcel Salamon, Andreas Strohm, Thilo Voss, Pauli Laitinen, Iiro Riihimäki, Sergiy Divinski, Werner Frank, Jyrki Räisänen ¶ & Helmut Mehrer - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (8):737-756.
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    Ether and theory of elasticity in Beltrami's work.Rossana Tazzioli - 1993 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 46 (1):1-37.
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  36. Atheism and Agatheism in the Global Ethical Discourse: Reply to Millican and Thornhill-Miller.Janusz Salamon - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (4):197– 245.
    Peter Millican and Branden Thornhill-Miller have recently argued that contradictions between different religious belief systems, in conjunction with the host of defeaters based on empirical research concerning alleged sources of evidence for ‘perceived supernatural agency’, render all ‘first-order’, that is actual, religious traditions positively irrational, and a source of discord on a global scale. However, since the authors recognise that the ‘secularisation thesis’ appears to be incorrect, and that empirical research provides evidence that religious belief also has beneficial individual and (...)
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    The ontology of drama.Rossana Damiano, Vincenzo Lombardo & Antonio Pizzo - 2019 - Applied ontology 14 (1):79-118.
    In this paper, we describe the ontology of drama called Drammar. Pervasive in old and new media, and relevant from a multi-disciplinary perspective that ranges from literary criticism and semiotics...
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    Hannah Arendt: a import'ncia da sociabilidade em um estado democrático de direito.Rossana Batista Padilha & Caroline Lemos Martins - forthcoming - Dissertatio:113-129.
    : Para que se possa abordar a sociabilidade em Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), é importante mencionar a importância que a autora confere, em suas obras, à necessidade de organização dos grupos humanos por meio de regras, assim como de que essas regras sejam seguidas para a preservação da vida em conjunto. Segundo a autora, a política é a maneira humana de convívio entre os homens e mulheres por meio do gerenciamento de questões emergentes, sem o uso de qualquer coação. Ainda, para (...)
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    O uso da telefonia móvel para jovens ea noção de religação, segundo Michel Maffesoli.Rossana Fraga Benites - 2006 - Think - Caderno de Artigos e Casos ESPM/RS 4 (2):5-10.
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    Ética en acción: Antropología y Humanismo en la obra de George Steiner.Rossana Cassigolli - 2013 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 69:39-49.
    The purpose of this essay is to elucidate the philosophical tools developed in George Steiner’s marvelous body of work. In his writings, he carries on a lucid observation and description of human spirit’s linguistic creation and formulation. His observations do not deviate from the way of a strict ethics inherited from ilustrated spiritual Judaism. His legacy about thought on language and his role as a contemporary culture’s critic leads us to a reflection on our continent and history. As an anthropological (...)
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    Dreaming: Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations:Dreaming: Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations.Frank A. Salamone - 1993 - Anthropology of Consciousness 4 (2):23-24.
  42.  16
    Johna Hicka filozofia pluralizmu religijnego - Ocena Krytyczna.Janusz Salamon - 2003 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8:180-182.
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    Locke i Newman: spór o paradygmat racjonalności w perspektywie epistemologii religii.Janusz Salamon - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1):221-244.
    Ogłoszenie papieskiej encykliki „Fides et ratio" ożywiło dawny spór o stosunek wiary i rozumu. Pewnym przyczynkiem do dyskusji precyzującym stanowisko, które zmierza de godzenia pozornej sprzeczności wymogów wiary i rozumu może być analiza dziewiętnastowiecznej polemiki Newmana z Lockiem. Filozofia religii obydwu myślicieli jest osadzona w szerszym teoriopoznawczym horyzoncie, co pozwala pokazać, iż rozwiązania dylematów wiary i rozumu należy szukać u samych podstaw ludzkiego bycia i poznania, w warstwie metafizycznej i epistemologicznej.
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    Phenomenologies of Relation.Gayle Salamon - 2017 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 21 (2):44-62.
    This essay reads Iris Marion Young’s foundational essay “Throwing Like a Girl” as one of the first serious attempts to mount a critique of phenomenology’s universal aspirations using its own methods, in order to show that its humanism was deeply, if unknowingly, inflected by gender. I show how Young’s use of Erwin Straus’s and Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological methods both extend and challenge their claims, and her how assertions about the particularity of feminine existence call into question some of phenome-nology’s deepest (...)
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    Problems with Disembodied Existence and Survival of Death.Janusz Salamon - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1):81-91.
    The article discusses the philosophical problems associated with the dualistic conception of the person dominant in traditions influenced by Platonism. The key suggestion made in the article is that opting for an embodied rather than a disembodied posthumous existence for the human person will in no way hinder the theistic philosopher when it comes to arguing that God exists in a disembodied form.
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    Wartość poznawcza doświadczenia religijnego.Janusz Salamon - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):23-24.
    Does the alleged religious experience of a mystic constitute a reliable source of knowledge about the object of his or her experience? Or does it rationally justify a move from such experience to meaningful beliefs about God or the Absolute which is supposed to be the object of that experience? And are religious beliefs in need of being grounded in religious experience in order to be rationally justified? Although it seems pretty obvious that a great many adherents of all religions (...)
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  47. Agatheology and naturalisation of the discourse on evil.Janusz Salamon - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (4-5):469-484.
    This article argues that the existence of horrendous evil calls into question not just the plausibility of the most popular theodicies on offer, notably sceptical theism, but the coherence of any agatheology–that is, any theology which identifies God or the ultimate reality with the ultimate good or with a maximally good being. The article contends that the only way an agatheologian can ‘save the face of God’ after Auschwitz and Kolyma is by endorsing a non-interventionist interpretation of the Divine providence (...)
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    Concili perduti o censurati? I dibattiti smarriti su grazia e libero arbitrio (Gallia, secoli V e VI).Rossana Barcellona - 2023 - Augustinianum 63 (2):507-525.
    The article considers three episcopal assemblies held in Gaul, which the manuscript tradition has not preserved, all involved in doctrinal debates on grace and free will. The first two, the council of Arles and the synod of Lyon, took place in the second half of the fifth century and concerned the affair of the presbyter Lucidus. The third is the Council of Valence that met just before the Second Council of Orange (529), that is, the council that marks the “resolution” (...)
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  49. Musical borrowings in the works of Bruno Maderna.Rossana Dalmonte - 2017 - In Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Jonathan Dunsby & Jonathan Goldman, The dawn of music semiology: essays in honor of Jean-Jacques Nattiez. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
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    A szív arisztokratikus szokásai: filozófiai írások.János Salamon - 2016 - Budapest: Pesti Kalligram Kft..
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